Monday, March 4, 2013

The Day we Lost Our Honor


  The Day we lost our honor was when the beloved nation of Muhammad(saws) deviated and forgot its well-guided sources.

 The Day we lost our honor and power was when the leaders of the ummah traded their deen for the dunyaa'.

The Day we lost our honor was when the Muslim lands were sold for the protection of the tyrannical, unjust claimants of our lands. 

 The Day we lost our power and honor was when the Muslim women deviated from the proper covering and hijaab and began to indulge in tabaruj(display of beauty , going out frequently).

  The Day we lost our honor was when the sunnah began to become so unpracticed among the muslims(our parents and grandparents) that one who practiced the sunnah was looked down upon and declared, "Wahhabi" and "extremist." Since when is someone who follows the sunnah extreme? 

 The Day we lost our honor was when our scholars and people of knowledge kept quiet from the matters of the ummah.

  The Day we lost our honor and strength was when the ummmah forgot about the Hereafter and indulged in this world and its affairs.

 The Day we lost our izzah(honor) was when we gave the authority of the ummah to those unfit(ruwaybiddah).

  The Day we lost our honor was when the ummah let down their sisters, the chaste women(afeefaat) and allowed them to be arrested and violated all over the world. 

 Until when Oh Muslims? Until when?

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