LESSON 4: الفاعل or The Do-er
Examples of Sentences:
1. طار العصفور - The sparrow flew
2. جرى الحصان - The horse ran
3. لعب الولد - The boy played
4.يعوم السمك - The fish is flowing(in the water)
5. يلسع البعوض - The mosquito is biting
6. تأكل البنت - The girl is eating
All of the words above are examples of sentences and each sentence is made up of a FI3l (action) and an ISM (noun), and if we look in the
first sentence for example, we see that the one who TAARA(flew) is the sparrow(al3usfur), and the one who JARA(ran) is the horse, and the one
who LA3IBA(played) is the boy.
So the sparrow is the one who did the act of flying and the horse is the one who did the act of running and so on..
And if we look at each ISM ( noun) , we find that the FI3L(verb) has perceded it.
EXAMPLE: طار العصفور. The verb(طار) is before the ISM(sparrow).
We also find that the ISM in this case is MARFU3(ending with a dhamma).
EXAMPLES: al 3usfuru, alhisaanu, alwaladu, as-samaku, albu3udhu, albintu)
القاعدة السابعة: الفاعل: إسمٌ مرفوعٌ تقدمه فعلٌ ، ودل على الذي فعل الفعل
The Seventh Principle: ALFAA3il (The Doer): is an Ism(noun) that is marfu3( ending with dhamma) and has a fi3l(verb) proceeding it and
it(the faa3il) shows the one who did the action.
تمرينات (some exercises for this lesson)
ضع فاعلاً لكل فعل من الأفعال الأتي (Place a doer for each verb from the following verbs)
1. نبح - barked. EX: نبح القلب (THE DOG BARKED)
2. يضحك - laughing EX: يضحك محمد (MUHMMAD IS LAUGHING)
3. يبكي - crying EX:يبكي الولد (THE BOY IS CRYING)
4. نطح - burped EX: نطح سليمان (SULAYMAN BURPED)
5. يشرب - drinking EX: يشرب الطبيب كوب من ماء بارد (THE DOCTOR IS DRINKING A CUP OF COLD WATER)
6. عطس- sneezed EX: عطس موسى ثم حمد الله ( MUSA SNEEZED AND THEN HE PRAISED ALLAH)
7. سافر - travelled EX: سافر التاجر إلى بلده (THE BUSINESSMAN TRAVELLED TO HIS COUNTRY)
8. يركب -riding EX: يركب المقاتل فرسه (THE FIGHTER IS CLIMBING HIS HORSE)
تمرين في الاعراب (an exercise in i3raab-the breaking down of grammar)
حضر الغائب 1
meaning: "The absent one came."
حضر - فعل ماض
HADAR- Is a past tense verb
الغائب - فاعل مرفوع
ALGHAAEB - Is faa3il (do-er) that is marfu3 (ending with dhamma).
2.يطير الذباب
meaning: "The fly is flying"
يطير - فعل مضارع
YATEERU- Is a present tense verb
الذباب- فاعل مرفوع
ADh-Dhubaabu- Is faa3il (do-er) that is marfu3 (ending with dhamma).
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Al Nahw al Waadih: LESSON 3
Lesson 3 from the book An-Nahw al Waadih
النحو الواضح الدرس الثالث : تقسيم الفعل بإعتبار زمنه Lesson 3 - Dividing the fi'l (verb) according to its time Examples from sentences.
1- فعل الماضي THE PAST TENSE VERB
Examples of sentences:
1. جرى الكلب -the dog ran
2. وقف الرجل - the man stood up
3. ضاع الكتاب - the book was lost
4. دقت الساعة - the clock rang
5. جاءت البنت - the daughter came
6.باضت الدجاجة - the hen laid the egg If we look at the sentences above , we see that all of them include an action taking place in a specific time.
All of the verbs highlighted above are in the past tense.
القاعدة الرابعة : الفعل الماضي هو كل فعل يدل على حصول عمل في الزمن الماضي.
THE FOURTH PRINCIPLE: Alfi'l almaadi (the past tense verb) is every verb that shows an action taking place in the past.(alzaman almaadi means the past time).
2- الفعل المضارع THE PRESENT TENSE VERB
1. اغسل يدي - I am washing my hands
2. ألبس ثيابي - I am putting my clothes on
3.نلعب بالكرة - we are playing with the ball
4.نمشي في الحقول - we are walking in the field
5.ينبح الكلب - the dog is barking
6. ينتبه الحارس - the guard is alert
7.تأكل البنت - the girl is eating 8. تذبل الوردة - the rose is blossoming
The highlighted verbs are all in the present tense or MUDAARI3. In arabic, the action and the person doing the action are put together. so for example in sentence 1 it says AGHSILU which means "I wash" or "I am washing" AGHSILU shows us washing taking place in the present time or the the future. The same for sentence 2, ALBASU THIYYABI "I wash my clothes or I am washing my clothes" shows us an action taking place in the present time (zaman al haadir) or in the mustaqbal(future )If we also look at each of the above sentences, we see that each fi3l(verb) at the start of the sentence begins with either a TAA, YAA, NUN, or HAMZA. تاءً ، ياءً، نوناً، همزة.
These 4 huruf are known as "ahruf al mudaari'a" أحرف المضارعة
For sentences 1 and 2 , AGHSILU and ALBASU both have the harf of hamza before them, this makes it singular. So it is one person talking. AGHSILU( I WASH) ALBASU ( I DRESS) For sentences 3 and 4, the NUN in the verbs NAL3AB and NAMSHI signify a group of people talking. SO the NUN corresponds to "WE" in ARABIC. NAMSHI(WE WALK) NAL3AB (WE PLAY) for sentences, 5 and 6, the YAA is talking about a male person. So in sentence 5, YANBAHU means HE IS BARKING and by the end of the sentence , we know who is barking. THE DOG(alkalb) In sentence 6, YANTABIHU means HE IS ALERT and we finish the sentence, we find out who is alert (THE GUARD, al haaris). And in sentences 7 and 8, the TAA is used for feminine terms, So the first sentences reads TA'KUL ALBINT which means (THE GIRL IS EATING). TA'KUL OR تأكل MEANS "SHE IS EATING" In sentence 8, TATHBUL or تذبل means "SHE IS BLOOMING or BLOSSOMING" and this is referring to the warda(the rose). which is a feminine term since it has the feminine TAA at the end.
القاعدة الخامسة : الفعل المضارع هو كل فعل يدل على حصول عمل في الزمن الحاضر أو المستقبل ولا بد أن يكون مبدوءًا بحرف من أحرف المضارعة وهي الهمزة والنون والياء والتاء .
1. إلعب بالكرة - Play with the ball.
2. أطعم قطك - Feed your cat.
3. نظف ثيابك - Clean your clothes.
4. نم مبكراً- Sleep early.
5. تمهل في السير - Slow down in walking.
6.أجد مضغ الطعام - Chew the food.
The first words in the above sentences are all verbs(af3aal). because all of them are showing us that an act is taking place in a specific time. And if we look at the sentences we see that the mutakallim(one talking) is seeking something from the mukhaadib(one being talked to) here and is ordering him to do something in the future.For this reason, every verb from amongst these verbs is called "فعل أمر" OR ORDERING VERB(imperative)
القاعدة السادسة : فعل الأمر هو كل فعل يطلب به حصول شيءٍ في الزمن المستقبل
The Sixth Principle: The Fi3l al Amr (imperative, commanding verb) is every verb that demands an action to take place in the future.
النحو الواضح الدرس الثالث : تقسيم الفعل بإعتبار زمنه Lesson 3 - Dividing the fi'l (verb) according to its time Examples from sentences.
1- فعل الماضي THE PAST TENSE VERB
Examples of sentences:
1. جرى الكلب -the dog ran
2. وقف الرجل - the man stood up
3. ضاع الكتاب - the book was lost
4. دقت الساعة - the clock rang
5. جاءت البنت - the daughter came
6.باضت الدجاجة - the hen laid the egg If we look at the sentences above , we see that all of them include an action taking place in a specific time.
All of the verbs highlighted above are in the past tense.
القاعدة الرابعة : الفعل الماضي هو كل فعل يدل على حصول عمل في الزمن الماضي.
THE FOURTH PRINCIPLE: Alfi'l almaadi (the past tense verb) is every verb that shows an action taking place in the past.(alzaman almaadi means the past time).
2- الفعل المضارع THE PRESENT TENSE VERB
1. اغسل يدي - I am washing my hands
2. ألبس ثيابي - I am putting my clothes on
3.نلعب بالكرة - we are playing with the ball
4.نمشي في الحقول - we are walking in the field
5.ينبح الكلب - the dog is barking
6. ينتبه الحارس - the guard is alert
7.تأكل البنت - the girl is eating 8. تذبل الوردة - the rose is blossoming
The highlighted verbs are all in the present tense or MUDAARI3. In arabic, the action and the person doing the action are put together. so for example in sentence 1 it says AGHSILU which means "I wash" or "I am washing" AGHSILU shows us washing taking place in the present time or the the future. The same for sentence 2, ALBASU THIYYABI "I wash my clothes or I am washing my clothes" shows us an action taking place in the present time (zaman al haadir) or in the mustaqbal(future )If we also look at each of the above sentences, we see that each fi3l(verb) at the start of the sentence begins with either a TAA, YAA, NUN, or HAMZA. تاءً ، ياءً، نوناً، همزة.
These 4 huruf are known as "ahruf al mudaari'a" أحرف المضارعة
For sentences 1 and 2 , AGHSILU and ALBASU both have the harf of hamza before them, this makes it singular. So it is one person talking. AGHSILU( I WASH) ALBASU ( I DRESS) For sentences 3 and 4, the NUN in the verbs NAL3AB and NAMSHI signify a group of people talking. SO the NUN corresponds to "WE" in ARABIC. NAMSHI(WE WALK) NAL3AB (WE PLAY) for sentences, 5 and 6, the YAA is talking about a male person. So in sentence 5, YANBAHU means HE IS BARKING and by the end of the sentence , we know who is barking. THE DOG(alkalb) In sentence 6, YANTABIHU means HE IS ALERT and we finish the sentence, we find out who is alert (THE GUARD, al haaris). And in sentences 7 and 8, the TAA is used for feminine terms, So the first sentences reads TA'KUL ALBINT which means (THE GIRL IS EATING). TA'KUL OR تأكل MEANS "SHE IS EATING" In sentence 8, TATHBUL or تذبل means "SHE IS BLOOMING or BLOSSOMING" and this is referring to the warda(the rose). which is a feminine term since it has the feminine TAA at the end.
القاعدة الخامسة : الفعل المضارع هو كل فعل يدل على حصول عمل في الزمن الحاضر أو المستقبل ولا بد أن يكون مبدوءًا بحرف من أحرف المضارعة وهي الهمزة والنون والياء والتاء .
1. إلعب بالكرة - Play with the ball.
2. أطعم قطك - Feed your cat.
3. نظف ثيابك - Clean your clothes.
4. نم مبكراً- Sleep early.
5. تمهل في السير - Slow down in walking.
6.أجد مضغ الطعام - Chew the food.
The first words in the above sentences are all verbs(af3aal). because all of them are showing us that an act is taking place in a specific time. And if we look at the sentences we see that the mutakallim(one talking) is seeking something from the mukhaadib(one being talked to) here and is ordering him to do something in the future.For this reason, every verb from amongst these verbs is called "فعل أمر" OR ORDERING VERB(imperative)
القاعدة السادسة : فعل الأمر هو كل فعل يطلب به حصول شيءٍ في الزمن المستقبل
The Sixth Principle: The Fi3l al Amr (imperative, commanding verb) is every verb that demands an action to take place in the future.
Al Nahw al Waadih: LESSON 2
LESSON 2: Parts of a Sentence - أجزاء الجملة
This lesson is telling us the categories of a basic sentence structure in the Arabic language.
The examples of the sentences we shall use:
1. ركب إبراهيم الحصان - Ibraahim boarded the horse.
2. يداعب إسماعيل القط - Ismaaeel is playing the kitten.
3.يحصد الفلاح القمح - The farmer is harvesting the wheat.
4. تأكل الشاة فولاً وشعيرا - The sheep is eating grain(barley).
5. سمعت النصيحة - I listened to the advice.
6.يسطع النور في الحجرة - The light is entering (pouring in) the room.
7. تجري السفينة على الماء - The ship is sailing the water.
8.هل تحب السفر ؟ - Do you love travel?
We learned in the previous lesson that jumla mufeeda is made up of parts which are words(kalimaat). If we look at the above sentences and their meanings, we will find that Ibraahim, Ismaaeel, and the farmer are all words that name people(ashkaas, individuals). And the words; hisaan(horse), qidd(kitten), and shaat(sheep) are all words that name types of animals. and the words; qumh(wheat), fool, and sha'eer are all words that name type of nabaat(plants, etc), and the words; room(hujra), safeena(ship), and water name inanimate(nonliving) things. So each one of these words is an ism.
And if we look at the other words such as; ركب، يداعب ، يحصد ، تأكل are all words that show us what is taking place in a specific time(zaman khaas), so RAKIBA(he went on) shows us an action taking place in the PAST tense.( this is known as fi3l maadi) , YUDA3IB(playing with) is a verb that is in the PRESENT tense(known as fi3l mudaari3).
Finally, if we look at the words or expressions : في، على، وهل . FEE means, "in" ALA means "on or upon" and HAL means " do" These words are all HURUF or prepositions. If they are used alone, one will never get a complete understanding and therefore, these expressions are used with in the sentence and NEVER alone.
PARTS of sentence are divided into 3 categories:
إسم - كل لفظ يسمي به إنسان أو حيوان أو نبات أو جماد أو أي شيئ آخر
Meaning: ISM is a noun, which is every word that names a person, animal, plant, inanimate things or anything else of that sort.
فعل -كل لفظ يدل على حصول عمل في زمن خاص
Meaning: FI3l is every word that leads or shows an action taking place in a specific time(zaman khass)
حرف - كل لفظ لا يظهر معناه إلا مع غيره
Meaning: HARF means every lafdh (word, expression) whose meaning is not clear by itself. EX: feehi, 3ala, ilaa, min, bi, are HURUF(prepositions)
القاعدة الثالثة : الكلمة ثلاثة أنواع : إسمٌ ، وفعلٌ وحرفٌ
The Third Principle:The kalima is of 3 types: 1. ism ( a noun) 2. fi3l ( a verb) 3. harf( a preposition)
اقرا الجمل الآتية وبين الأسماء التي تدل على أشخاص والتي تدل على حيوان والتي تدل على نبات والتي تدل على جماد
Read the sentences and make clear the nouns that name people and the ones that name animals, and the ones that name plants and nonliving things.
فريد يجري في الشارع - Fareed is running in the street.
علي يركب الحمار -Ali is riding the donkey.
يحب الولد البرتقال - The boy loves the orange.
يحترق الحطب - The firewood is burning.
الكلب ينام في البستان - The dog is sleeping in the garden.
يتسلق الغلمان في الجبل - The boys are climbing the mountain.
الثعلب يأكل الدجاج - The fox is eating the chicken.
البستاني يجمع الأزهار - The gardener is collecting the flowers.
إفترس الذئب كبشاً - The wolf hunted a lamb.
يسبح الأولاد في البحر - The boys are swimming in the ocean.
الحديد يدوب في النار - The iron is melting in the fire.
المداد في الدواة- The ink is in the inkstand.
This lesson is telling us the categories of a basic sentence structure in the Arabic language.
The examples of the sentences we shall use:
1. ركب إبراهيم الحصان - Ibraahim boarded the horse.
2. يداعب إسماعيل القط - Ismaaeel is playing the kitten.
3.يحصد الفلاح القمح - The farmer is harvesting the wheat.
4. تأكل الشاة فولاً وشعيرا - The sheep is eating grain(barley).
5. سمعت النصيحة - I listened to the advice.
6.يسطع النور في الحجرة - The light is entering (pouring in) the room.
7. تجري السفينة على الماء - The ship is sailing the water.
8.هل تحب السفر ؟ - Do you love travel?
We learned in the previous lesson that jumla mufeeda is made up of parts which are words(kalimaat). If we look at the above sentences and their meanings, we will find that Ibraahim, Ismaaeel, and the farmer are all words that name people(ashkaas, individuals). And the words; hisaan(horse), qidd(kitten), and shaat(sheep) are all words that name types of animals. and the words; qumh(wheat), fool, and sha'eer are all words that name type of nabaat(plants, etc), and the words; room(hujra), safeena(ship), and water name inanimate(nonliving) things. So each one of these words is an ism.
And if we look at the other words such as; ركب، يداعب ، يحصد ، تأكل are all words that show us what is taking place in a specific time(zaman khaas), so RAKIBA(he went on) shows us an action taking place in the PAST tense.( this is known as fi3l maadi) , YUDA3IB(playing with) is a verb that is in the PRESENT tense(known as fi3l mudaari3).
Finally, if we look at the words or expressions : في، على، وهل . FEE means, "in" ALA means "on or upon" and HAL means " do" These words are all HURUF or prepositions. If they are used alone, one will never get a complete understanding and therefore, these expressions are used with in the sentence and NEVER alone.
PARTS of sentence are divided into 3 categories:
إسم - كل لفظ يسمي به إنسان أو حيوان أو نبات أو جماد أو أي شيئ آخر
Meaning: ISM is a noun, which is every word that names a person, animal, plant, inanimate things or anything else of that sort.
فعل -كل لفظ يدل على حصول عمل في زمن خاص
Meaning: FI3l is every word that leads or shows an action taking place in a specific time(zaman khass)
حرف - كل لفظ لا يظهر معناه إلا مع غيره
Meaning: HARF means every lafdh (word, expression) whose meaning is not clear by itself. EX: feehi, 3ala, ilaa, min, bi, are HURUF(prepositions)
القاعدة الثالثة : الكلمة ثلاثة أنواع : إسمٌ ، وفعلٌ وحرفٌ
The Third Principle:The kalima is of 3 types: 1. ism ( a noun) 2. fi3l ( a verb) 3. harf( a preposition)
اقرا الجمل الآتية وبين الأسماء التي تدل على أشخاص والتي تدل على حيوان والتي تدل على نبات والتي تدل على جماد
Read the sentences and make clear the nouns that name people and the ones that name animals, and the ones that name plants and nonliving things.
فريد يجري في الشارع - Fareed is running in the street.
علي يركب الحمار -Ali is riding the donkey.
يحب الولد البرتقال - The boy loves the orange.
يحترق الحطب - The firewood is burning.
الكلب ينام في البستان - The dog is sleeping in the garden.
يتسلق الغلمان في الجبل - The boys are climbing the mountain.
الثعلب يأكل الدجاج - The fox is eating the chicken.
البستاني يجمع الأزهار - The gardener is collecting the flowers.
إفترس الذئب كبشاً - The wolf hunted a lamb.
يسبح الأولاد في البحر - The boys are swimming in the ocean.
الحديد يدوب في النار - The iron is melting in the fire.
المداد في الدواة- The ink is in the inkstand.
Al Nahw al Waadih: LESSON 1
LESSON 1 الجملة المفيدة
What is jumla mufeeda means a sentence with a complete meaning(in other words, a sentence can not really be a sentence unless it makes sense and has a complete meaning)
Examples from sentences:
1- الْبُسْتَانُ جميلٌ which means "the garden is beautiful"
2- الشَّمْسُ طَالِعةٌ which means "the sun is rising"
3- شَمَّ عَلِيٌّ وَرْدَةً which means "Alee smelled the rose"
4- قَطَفَ مُحَمَّدٌ زَهْرَةً which means "Muhammad picked a flower"
5- يَعِيشُ السَّمكُ في الْمَاءِ which means "the fish lives in the water"
6- يَكْثُرُ النَّخِيلُ في مِصْرَ which means "the palm trees increase in Egypt"
Explanation: If we look at the first example الْبُسْتَانُ جميلٌ, we find that it is composed of 2 words. One being الْبُسْتَانُ (the garden) and the other being جميلٌ (is beautiful). If we were to take just the first word (al bustaan), we would not have a complete understanding except a single word, which is not enough to carry on(the speech). The same goes for if we took the other word (jameel). However if we put these 2 words together, (al bustaanu jameel), then we would have a complete understanding of what is being said.
Therefore, this is the jumla mufeeda. It is every sentence with a full, making-sense meaning.
THE FIRST PRINCIPLE: التركيب الذي يفيد فائدة تامة يسمى جملة مفيدة، ويسمى أيضًا كلامًا. الجملة المفيدة قد تتركب من كلمتين، وقد تتركب من أكثر، وكل كلمة فيها تعد جزءًا منها.
MEANING: 1. the words that make a complete meaning is called JUMLA MUFEEDA and is also called KALAM 2.the jumla mufeeda can be composed of 2 words or more, and each word in the jumla mufeeda is counted as part of it.
Some exercises: (For vocabulary)
اقرأ الجمل الآتية وبين الكلمات في كل واحدة منها: Read the sentences and make clear the meaning in each one.
1- السَّماءُ مُمْطرَةٌ - the sky is raining
2- الْحَديقَة جميلة - the garden is beautiful(al hadeeqa is another word of bustaan)
3- يَنقطِعُ المطرُ - the rain has stopped
4- يَسِيرُ السَّحابُ - the clouds are moving
5- تَطْلُعُ الشَّمْسُ - the sun is rising
6- تجِفُّ الْأَرْضُ - the earth is shaking
7- الطَّائرُ فَوْقَ الشَّجرَةِ - the plane is above the tree
8- يقطِفُ علِيٌّ الْأَزهارَ - Ali is picking the flowers
9- يَلْعَبُ الْغِلْمانُ بالْكُرَة - the boys are playing with the ball
10- يَنْزِلُ المطَرُ مِنَ السَّماءِ - the rain is falling from the sky
11- تَسِيرُ السُّفُنُ في الْبحار - the ships are sailing the seas
12- يَشْتَدُّ الْبَرْدُ فَوْقَ الجبال - the cold is worsening above the mountains OR the cold above the mountains is worsening
Which sentences show a jumla mufeeda(sentence that makes sense and has complete meaning)??
1- لَيْسَ الْجَوُّ - NO " The weather is not..."
This sentence is not a jumla mufeeda because we do not have a complete sentence
2- أَكلَ فريدٌ YES "Fareed ate" We have a complete meaning
3- القِطارُ سَريعٌ YES "The train is fast"
4- إن اجْتهَدْتَ NO "If you work hard..." not complete
5- ليتَ الْمريض NO "The sick is not.."
6- الثوْبُ نَظيفٌ YES "the garment is clean"
7- الْكِتابُ الَّذِي NO "The book which.."
8- البنتُ المُتَعَلِّمة NO "The learning daughter.."
Optional Homework: (4) اجعل كل مثال من الأمثلة الآتية جملة مفيدة بوضع كلمة ملائمة في المكان الخالي
Make each of these sentences a jumla mufeeda by placing a word in the middle that would make sense
1- الْعُصْفُور .... الْقفَض meaning " The sparrow(bird)...cage" PLACE A WORD
2- الْولدُ .... الْفَاكِهةَ "the boy...the fruit" PLACE A WORD
3- الثَّورُ ... الأَرض "The ox..the earth" PLACE A WORD
4- الْولدُ الْمُهَذَّبُ ... "the well behaved boy..." ADD WORD
5- الحِذاءُ الضَّيِّقُ ... " The narrow(squishy) shoe..."
6- القمَرُ ... السَّماء "the moon...the sky" PLACE A WORD IN THE MIDDLE
(5) ضع كل كلمة من الكلمات الآتية في جملة مفيدة مركبة من كلمتين:
الحَديقة - THE GARDEN
(EX: THE GARDEN IS BEAUTIFUL الْحَديقَة جميلة
الشَّجرة- THE TREE
الأَزهار - THE FLOWERS
الشَّمْس - THE SUN
(6) ضع كل كلمة من الكلمات الآتية في جملة مفيدة مركبة من أكثر من كلمتين:
الْماء - THE WATER
الْفاكِهة -THE FRUIT
يَلْعَبُ - HE IS PLAYING
EXAMPLE FOR يَلْعَبُ
يلعب محمد في البيت يَرْكَبُ meaning, "Muhammad is playing in the house."
End of Lesson 1
What is jumla mufeeda means a sentence with a complete meaning(in other words, a sentence can not really be a sentence unless it makes sense and has a complete meaning)
Examples from sentences:
1- الْبُسْتَانُ جميلٌ which means "the garden is beautiful"
2- الشَّمْسُ طَالِعةٌ which means "the sun is rising"
3- شَمَّ عَلِيٌّ وَرْدَةً which means "Alee smelled the rose"
4- قَطَفَ مُحَمَّدٌ زَهْرَةً which means "Muhammad picked a flower"
5- يَعِيشُ السَّمكُ في الْمَاءِ which means "the fish lives in the water"
6- يَكْثُرُ النَّخِيلُ في مِصْرَ which means "the palm trees increase in Egypt"
Explanation: If we look at the first example الْبُسْتَانُ جميلٌ, we find that it is composed of 2 words. One being الْبُسْتَانُ (the garden) and the other being جميلٌ (is beautiful). If we were to take just the first word (al bustaan), we would not have a complete understanding except a single word, which is not enough to carry on(the speech). The same goes for if we took the other word (jameel). However if we put these 2 words together, (al bustaanu jameel), then we would have a complete understanding of what is being said.
Therefore, this is the jumla mufeeda. It is every sentence with a full, making-sense meaning.
THE FIRST PRINCIPLE: التركيب الذي يفيد فائدة تامة يسمى جملة مفيدة، ويسمى أيضًا كلامًا. الجملة المفيدة قد تتركب من كلمتين، وقد تتركب من أكثر، وكل كلمة فيها تعد جزءًا منها.
MEANING: 1. the words that make a complete meaning is called JUMLA MUFEEDA and is also called KALAM 2.the jumla mufeeda can be composed of 2 words or more, and each word in the jumla mufeeda is counted as part of it.
Some exercises: (For vocabulary)
اقرأ الجمل الآتية وبين الكلمات في كل واحدة منها: Read the sentences and make clear the meaning in each one.
1- السَّماءُ مُمْطرَةٌ - the sky is raining
2- الْحَديقَة جميلة - the garden is beautiful(al hadeeqa is another word of bustaan)
3- يَنقطِعُ المطرُ - the rain has stopped
4- يَسِيرُ السَّحابُ - the clouds are moving
5- تَطْلُعُ الشَّمْسُ - the sun is rising
6- تجِفُّ الْأَرْضُ - the earth is shaking
7- الطَّائرُ فَوْقَ الشَّجرَةِ - the plane is above the tree
8- يقطِفُ علِيٌّ الْأَزهارَ - Ali is picking the flowers
9- يَلْعَبُ الْغِلْمانُ بالْكُرَة - the boys are playing with the ball
10- يَنْزِلُ المطَرُ مِنَ السَّماءِ - the rain is falling from the sky
11- تَسِيرُ السُّفُنُ في الْبحار - the ships are sailing the seas
12- يَشْتَدُّ الْبَرْدُ فَوْقَ الجبال - the cold is worsening above the mountains OR the cold above the mountains is worsening
Which sentences show a jumla mufeeda(sentence that makes sense and has complete meaning)??
1- لَيْسَ الْجَوُّ - NO " The weather is not..."
This sentence is not a jumla mufeeda because we do not have a complete sentence
2- أَكلَ فريدٌ YES "Fareed ate" We have a complete meaning
3- القِطارُ سَريعٌ YES "The train is fast"
4- إن اجْتهَدْتَ NO "If you work hard..." not complete
5- ليتَ الْمريض NO "The sick is not.."
6- الثوْبُ نَظيفٌ YES "the garment is clean"
7- الْكِتابُ الَّذِي NO "The book which.."
8- البنتُ المُتَعَلِّمة NO "The learning daughter.."
Optional Homework: (4) اجعل كل مثال من الأمثلة الآتية جملة مفيدة بوضع كلمة ملائمة في المكان الخالي
Make each of these sentences a jumla mufeeda by placing a word in the middle that would make sense
1- الْعُصْفُور .... الْقفَض meaning " The sparrow(bird)...cage" PLACE A WORD
2- الْولدُ .... الْفَاكِهةَ "the boy...the fruit" PLACE A WORD
3- الثَّورُ ... الأَرض "The ox..the earth" PLACE A WORD
4- الْولدُ الْمُهَذَّبُ ... "the well behaved boy..." ADD WORD
5- الحِذاءُ الضَّيِّقُ ... " The narrow(squishy) shoe..."
6- القمَرُ ... السَّماء "the moon...the sky" PLACE A WORD IN THE MIDDLE
(5) ضع كل كلمة من الكلمات الآتية في جملة مفيدة مركبة من كلمتين:
الحَديقة - THE GARDEN
(EX: THE GARDEN IS BEAUTIFUL الْحَديقَة جميلة
الشَّجرة- THE TREE
الأَزهار - THE FLOWERS
الشَّمْس - THE SUN
(6) ضع كل كلمة من الكلمات الآتية في جملة مفيدة مركبة من أكثر من كلمتين:
الْماء - THE WATER
الْفاكِهة -THE FRUIT
يَلْعَبُ - HE IS PLAYING
EXAMPLE FOR يَلْعَبُ
يلعب محمد في البيت يَرْكَبُ meaning, "Muhammad is playing in the house."
End of Lesson 1
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